The Benefits of Regular Eye Exams

At first glance, many think a comprehensive eye exam is just a vision test, but, getting your eyes checked can have benefits that go well beyond the optometry chair.

Because of the eye’s small nerves and blood vessels, delicate structures, and close proximity to your brain, a comprehensive eye exam is one of the least invasive steps you can take to protect your overall health. Not only can your optometrist assess your eye health, they can identify symptoms of conditions elsewhere in the body, such as:

  • Brain Injuries and Neurological Conditions

    • The optic nerve in the eye is essentially an extension of the brain. Any neurological condition that affects nerve cells including Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis can be detected with an eye exam.

  • High Blood Pressure

    • The fine blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye can help identify risks of a stroke or heart attack before they occur.

  • Diabetes

    • As many as one million Canadians are living with undiagnosed diabetes. Optometrists sometimes see indicators of diabetes in the eyes before the disease is formally diagnosed because diabetes can damage the small blood vessels in your retina.

  • Cancer

    • Tests of peripheral vision and eye muscle function can often be the first line of detection of a brain tumor. A comprehensive eye exam can also identify unusual structures and growths within the eye. The eye and its surrounding tissues are one of the most common areas of the body where skin cancer is first diagnosed.

Regular comprehensive eye exams are an excellent way to monitor your overall health and catch certain issues early. Book your appointment today with Dr. Kwasnek (OD) at Grapevine Optical in Oliver by calling 778-439-3003.

From an article by the Canadian Association of Optometrists.


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